Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chapter III: If the Fool Would Persist in His Folly...

Here is a larger scale image of the lost carving shown on p. 70. This is the 1939 glass plate photograph which was our only guide to the seven foot long drop that was lost in the flames.

The"bravado...haughty boldness of projection...death-defying undercutting... stormy swells and hollows" that I mention as characteristics of Gibbons's carving (p. 74) are shown for example in this cresting in the chapel of Trinity College, Oxford

Here is the companion to the lost drop, whose revelatory qualities come to light on p. 77:

And here is a composite archival image of the two drops over the facing east door, which on pp. 85-6 emerge as even more revelatory:

Finally, here is a detail from the upside down drop mentioned on p. 87.  If you look very carefully, you can see the spike going upwards.  Note too the heavy yellow wax on the carving; on pp. 128-9 we discover how it got there.

The Tijou gate (p. 92) at Hampton Court Palace, looking out towards the lime tree avenue: